The Face Yoga Expert Podcast

The Face Yoga Expert Podcast

Hosted by: Danielle Collins

Welcome to The Face Yoga Expert Podcast hosted by World leading Face Yoga Expert and bestselling author, Danielle Collins. This is an inspiring, informative and uplifting weekly show where you can listen in on real...

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207. My Ultimate Tips To Instantly Become Your Highest Vibe Self To Manifest Your Goals

Episode #207

This week is a solo episode where I talk about being high vibe! When we are resonating at our highest vibration we manifest more effectively and live the life of our dreams. I talk you through practical tips and...
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206. A Very Honest Chat About My Hormones, Perimenopause And PMDD With Expert Pippa Campbell

Episode #206

This week's episode feels a bit of a scary one to release! It is a very honest, open, and vulnerable chat with hormone expert Pippa Campbell. We delve into my new experience of the perimenopause as well as looking at...
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205. Feeling Negative All The Time? Listen To This!

Episode #205

This week my guest is Cortney McDermott, a bestselling author, TEDx speaker, and mind-body expert, with a Master of Science from the London School of Economics. In this episode, we talk a lot about the importance of...
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204. My 5 Best Facial Exercise Tips For A Natural Face Lift

Episode #204

This week I am the guest! I was interviewed by Dr Jeanne Retief on her podcast 'My FIGGI Life' and we had a deep and inspiring chat about so many aspects of Face Yoga so I wanted to share it with you on here today. In...
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203. The 5 Social Media Secrets For More Freedom, Finance And Fun In Your Business

Episode #203

This week is a solo episode and a recording from a live Zoom workshop I did last week with an amazing group of 650 of you. In this episode, I share exactly how to use platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok...
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202. Ask Me Anything! Facial Exercise, Chronic Illness And Teacher Training

Episode #202

This week is another 'Ask Me Anything' episode as the last one was so popular! In this solo chat, I answer 3 of your questions which you have been asking me a lot recently on Instagram and Facebook:Ā Why shouldn't we...
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201. The 3 Ways To Make Your Yoga Routine Less Toxic Today

Episode #201

This week my guest is Brienne Derosier, a wellness designer, yoga enthusiast, and entrepreneur devoted to practicing and promoting self-care and sustainable living. She is the owner of two wellness businesses, Mache...
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200. Ask Me Anything! Wrinkles, Neck Massage And Botox!

Episode #200

In this solo episode, I am answering some of your questions. I get hundreds of questions every week on my social media and via my website so this week I am answering 3 of them (and will answer more in coming solo...
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199. Firm, Fresh, and Fabulous: Unleash Beautiful Skin with Facial Fascia Techniques

Episode #199

This week my guest is Anna Rahe, a renowned fascia expert and the founder of GST Body, Anna has worked with numerous celebrities and been featured in various publications, from The Wall Street Journal to goop. In this...
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198. What Is Human Design And How Does It Work?

Episode #198

This week is a solo episode where I explore the fascinating world of Human Design. This is a subject I have been interested in for a while and after having a few experts on the podcast over the years, I wanted to do a...
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197. The 5 Things I Would Do If I Started A New Business From Scratch Tomorrow

Episode #197

This week is a solo business episode and I delve into the 5 things I would do if I started a brand new business tomorrow. I draw on my 18 years of experience building an international business and brand and summarise...
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196. The 5 Signs You Should Be Teaching Face Yoga

Episode #196

This week it is a solo episode and I am sharing everything about Face Yoga teacher training. I chat to you why and how I started the certification course and how I got accreditation. I then talk about the training...
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