facial massage Feb 09, 2021
reduce jaw tension and TMJ

Your jaw area is one that holds a lot of tension, especially when you are stressed or working hard. Because it is so intimately connected with the bones and muscles of your face, head, and neck, the tension in this area can spread to other places, causing discomfort or pain.

Some of us also experience pain in our jaws from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which prevent our jaws from moving freely.

This facial massage routine is a simple way to relieve the tension and pain that can build up in our jaw area. It is also a great one for toning your jawline and lower face. 

When we hold a lot of tension in our jaws, we tend to end up with deeper lines around our mouths and even in the neck area. So, these massage moves are good for aesthetic purposes as well as for relieving pain and tension.

This routine shouldn’t be used as a substitute for medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you are experiencing recurring pain in your jaw. But these massage moves are a simple and gentle way to relieve jaw tension and the symptoms of TMJ disorders.


Make sure your face and hands are clean before starting the facial massage routine. You will also want an oil-based facial serum to help your fingers glide smoothly over your skin as you perform the massage.

My Fusion by Danielle Collins Pro Lift Facial Moisturising Serum is a good choice – it has been specifically formulated for use in facial massage and face yoga routines. It is also fantastic for your skin. The gentle formula is designed to work with your skin’s natural rejuvenating properties. You can use it in place of a moisturiser to re-hydrate and firm up your face, without leaving a greasy residue. Made with organic seed oils, it is certified by the Soil Association and it is vegan too. So, it is good news for the planet as well as for your skin. Simply smooth a few drops over your clean skin before you start the facial massage.


Now we are ready to start the massage. Make sure you are comfortable and focus on relaxing your jaw and the other muscles of your face as you perform the massage.


For our first move, form your hands into a loose fist and place your knuckles just under your cheekbones.

Keeping your knuckles gently pressing up into your cheeks, open and then slowly close your mouth. Repeat this for around a minute. 

You might need to occasionally adjust your knuckles back round to the sides so that you are putting gentle pressure on the hinge of your jaw.

Release your hands back down.


For the next move, take the middle and index finger of each hand to your jaw, just to the side of your chin indent. With your thumb beneath your jawbone and your fingers on top, gently pinch along your jaw, moving outwards towards your ears.

When you reach the corners of your jawline, lift your fingers back off and return them to your chin. 

Repeat the move 4 or 5 times. 

This move is wonderful for releasing tension in your lower jaw. It is especially good for anyone who grinds their teeth or has TMJ pain, as it will help to relax the muscles that become clenched. 

It can also help with headache prevention since tension in your lower jaw can spread to other muscles in your face and head, causing pain and headaches.


We’re continuing to work on the lower jaw for this move since it is an area where so much tension builds up.

Taking two fingers on each hand, massage along your jawline in a circular motion. Start at your chin and work out towards the side of your face. When you get to the edge of your jaw, use your index fingers to gently press the acupressure point behind your ears.

You’ll find it just behind your ear lobes, where the upper and lower jawbones meet your skull. This is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that can often become trapped and create pain in your jaw and head.

It is also an acupressure point, used in both Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine to release stuck energy and restore the flow of your life force.

Begin by simply holding your fingers on the acupressure points. Find your own best pressure here. You don’t need to press hard. Just do what is comfortable for you.

After a few seconds, begin to massage the acupressure points by moving your fingers gently in a circular motion. Go one way for a few breaths and then massage in the other direction.

And that’s it. If you prefer to follow along with a video, I’ve filmed this entire routine and it is available for free via my YouTube channel.


This is such a simple and quick massage routine. Done daily, it can make a huge difference to your jaw and relieve pain from TMJ disorders. 

You can do the massage alone or you can also make it a part of a longer facial yoga session. Combined together, face yoga and facial massage are a beautiful practice to incorporate into your daily routine. 

Setting aside the time each day to concentrate on your health and wellness does wonders for your stress levels, which are often an underlying cause of tension in your jaw.

Plus, both face yoga and massage will improve the appearance of your skin, help to tone the muscles of your face, and boost your circulation. So, you will look better as well as feel better.

If you’d like to learn more face yoga routines and facial massage tips, there is more information available in my book. You can also find my apps via my website or your preferred app store. Just search for The Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method.