Oct 26, 2022
One of the things I love about doing the Face Yoga Expert Podcast is that I get to have amazing conversations with some fantastic people in the health and wellness space. One of those people is facialist Nichola Joss, who joined me again recently for a chat about facial massage and caring for our skin as we get older.
I highly recommend listening to the full episode. Nichola and I always have such deep, rich conversations and this was a particularly raw and honest chat about getting older, coping with insecurities, and the importance of simple things like touch and breathwork to our mindset.

You can find the episode here.
One thing that came up as we talked was the use of Botox and fillers, and how these compare to more natural approaches like Face Yoga. As long-term followers will know, I’ve made the decision not to use Botox or fillers. I prefer to concentrate on boosting my skin’s health and toning my facial muscles through Face Yoga.
Nichola has tried both Botox and fillers. As a facialist, she prefers to have personal experience with different treatments so that she can advise her clients. She decided that they weren’t for her, but I was interested to hear about her experience with them. In this post, I’m going to summarise some of what Nichola and I covered in our chat about face yoga vs injectables. If you’re weighing up your options, this might help you approach the decision with a bit more information.

Before I get stuck in though, I want to emphasise that I’m very much pro-choice and approach this conversation from a completely non-judgemental place. Although my personal decision is to go the natural route and avoid injectables, I’m very glad to live in a time when there are different options available. I’d never judge anyone for deciding to get Botox or fillers – we all need to make the choices that are right for us.
With that said, I think people sometimes think that Botox or fillers are their only option when it comes to reducing lines and wrinkles. So, I also want to make sure I’m spreading the message that there are natural, non-invasive options like face yoga that can be hugely effective.

Although I’ve decided not to go down the Botox route, I can see why people choose to get it. For one thing, it is undeniably quick. Natural options like Face Yoga are effective but they also take time and dedication. In contrast, Botox can seem like the more convenient choice.
Botox can certainly give you results too. Most of the time, I feel extremely blessed to be getting older – it is a real privilege to get to continue on this journey. I think our natural skin is beautiful at every stage of life and am happy to embrace the changes that come as I get older.

However, just occasionally I’ll hear that small voice of insecurity in my mind. Let’s be honest, it’s definitely loudest when my period is due. As a woman in our society, especially one who is in the public eye, looking older can be hard. And sometimes I’ll find myself comparing how I look as a 40-year-old with other women the same age who have chosen to have Botox or other injectables.
So, Botox can be both quick and effective. But I was interested to hear more about Nichola’s experience, both from using them personally and from her work with clients over the years. Although she’s tried both Botox and fillers, Nichola says they aren’t for her. She disliked not being able to move her face in a natural way – she’s very expressive. And she’s also very aware of her body, so she found that fillers felt wrong and unnatural.
From her clients, Nichola has also found that long-term Botox use can lead to a reduction in volume in the face and facial muscles. People often find they then need fillers to rebuild that volume – and a professional like Nichola can usually spot fillers quickly because they don’t quite fit the natural form of the face.

Botox also prevents your facial muscles from moving in a natural way. As a result, Nichola recommends being diligent about doing facial massage to keep the muscles healthy and encourage good blood circulation to areas that aren’t moving as much as they should.
Finally, Nichola notes that injectables are essentially an attack on the body. Although they can make our skin look great, they still cause a fight response in the body.
In contrast, face yoga techniques like facial massage and breathwork can be amazingly powerful tools to support healthy ageing and keep our skin looking and feeling lovely. Instead of causing that fight response, these techniques encourage our natural cell regeneration, boost circulation and lymphatic drainage, and stimulate collagen and elastin production.

We also shouldn’t underestimate the importance of using our loving touch to care for our skin. It’s easy to look in the mirror and concentrate on the negatives or compare ourselves to the idealised images we see on social media. But when we make space and time to massage our skin, that loving touch helps to trigger feelings of calm, happiness, and positivity. Just like when you’re upset and someone offers you a hug, this gentle touch can lift our minds and spirits, as well as nourishing our skin.
Face Yoga is all about these deeper benefits. While it is also effective in reducing lines and wrinkles, lifting the face, and helping your skin look its best for the age you’re at, it is the sense of calm, love, and care that comes from spending time looking after yourself that make the most difference.

So, while I think it’s great that Botox and fillers are available for those who want them, I do urge you to explore other options too. Instead of making injectables your first choice, perhaps spend some time developing a face yoga practice and then see how you feel.
To help you get started, I have a 10-day course available for personal use. It guides you through 10 short face yoga routines, each lasting 10 minutes. It’s a great way to learn some techniques and get into the routine of doing Face Yoga daily. Plus, you also get a digital copy of my first book, Danielle Collins Face Yoga, which is packed full of Face Yoga techniques, wellness tips, and health and lifestyle advice to support you on your journey.