business tips Oct 02, 2024
You need this 1 tip for your social media if you are a wellness entrepreneur

I have been in the wellness industry with my Face Yoga Expert brand, for over two decades, and with that experience, I’ve learned the dos and don'ts of social media for wellness entrepreneurs firsthand. I have over 1 million followers across all my platforms combined and feel passionate that social media can be a positive and soulful place where we can grow our business. 

Today, I’m here with the number one tip I have for you if you are in the wellness industry and want to grow your brand too.

Here goes…..

If you are ready to grow your following, connect with your audience, and build a passionate community around your business, you must create more than you consume.

Why Creation Is So Vital to Success

When it comes to social media, start to take note of how long you spend on a platform, like Instagram. How many minutes a day do you spend on Instagram? During that time, are you watching stories, reading comments, reacting to posts, or looking at other businesses' content?  

There’s absolutely no judgment here! The purpose of these questions is solely to help you better understand yourself and set realistic, attainable goals to make your social media account more successful. 

 After you determine how many minutes you spend on a platform, I recommend one of two strategies:  

  1. You can halve the amount of time you spend online per day and dedicate the other half to creating content for your page. 
  2. You can keep the amount of time the same and spend double the amount of time creating!

If you do either of these techniques, you’ll be amazed at how much your social media account grows. 

So many people tell me they don’t have enough time to do social media, but I ask them how much time they spend consuming content. 

We often spend far more time online than we realise. How many of us wake up and immediately grab our phones and scroll through our feeds before even getting out of bed? Many of us unconsciously reach for our phones or check our feeds throughout the day. 

To be successful on social media, you want to make creating content as much (or more) part of your day as consuming content. 

When you start putting more time and effort into your social media page, amazing things start to happen:

  1. You find yourself feeling less anxious to post because you’re focused more on the creative process rather than the likes.
  2. You create more opportunities for others to find your content and engage with you and your brand.
  3. You start to discover and refine your unique content style and voice. 
  4. You become more creative, eager to apply new ideas and approach social media with curiosity over comparison or worry. 

You can even consider replacing the time you spend consuming content with making content instead. Let’s say you only have 15 minutes per day watching stories or scrolling. In those 15 minutes, you could post photos, reach out to your followers, post stories, make a poll, or upload a quick video. 

With every new post you make, you’ll help build your following, build engagement, increase views, and, most importantly, help people.

Remember What Social Media Is For

Social media can become a comparison trap for so many talented entrepreneurs. Over 20 years, I’ve managed to create an international Face Yoga Expert brand, but it didn’t come without its fair share of challenges.

Trust me, I know how hard it can be to balance life with your business. But by taking time to set clear priorities and place creation ahead of consumption, you can start reaching your goals without investing hours upon hours per week online.

In my Soul Purpose Business Course, I help women wellness entrepreneurs create thriving businesses that make a difference in people’s lives. 

Through pre-recorded videos, I walk you through the pillars of success and teach you how to build a business that is more purpose-driven and aligned with your soul’s mission to help others. Along the way, I offer practical strategies to transform your vision into a profitable service that others are eager to buy.

Before you invest in the course, why not read my free e-book, 6 Ways to Manifest Your Soul Purpose Business?