Apr 24, 2024
I have a lovely, quick facial exercise to share with you in this blog – an ideal one to try when you want to make your eyes bigger and brighter naturally.
Like most of my face yoga techniques, this exercise can be done in just a minute a day. You can combine it together with other facial exercises and face massage techniques to make a longer face yoga routine. But if you are pushed for time and really just want to focus in on your eyes, you can also just do this exercise.
The most important thing is to try to do it consistently if you want to see results. Face yoga is a great way to naturally lift and tone your face, but it is like any other form of exercise – it works best if you do it regularly.
Fortunately, you really don’t need to spend hours on face yoga to get results. And this quick, easy eye-widening exercise is a perfect example.
If you do just have one minute to spare then you can skip this and go straight onto the exercise itself, but I like to do a quick warmup first to wake up the skin and bring myself into a calm, grounded headspace.
Make sure you have clean hands and a clean face. Apply a few drops of serum – I always use the Pro Lift Facial Moisturising Serum from my Fusion by Danielle Collins range.
Using the fingertips of both hands, tap rapidly all over the skin of your neck and face for around 30 seconds to a minute, starting from the base of your neck and finishing at your forehead.
This is a great way to wake up the skin and get the blood circulation going. It also helps any skincare products penetrate deeper into your skin. And it encourages the flow of lifeforce energy – prana, as we call it in yoga, or Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Then, rub your hands together to generate some warmth. Place your hands lightly over your face and breathe deeply in and out through your nose. Relax all your muscles, letting any tension drain away.
Eye Exercise
In face yoga, we generally have two aims for the muscles. We want to relax the ones we tend to overuse, preventing lines and wrinkles. And we want to strengthen the ones we don’t use enough, which in turn tightens and smooths the skin attached.
In this exercise, we want to relax the frontalis muscle, which is the big one that runs across the forehead, and we want to strengthen the orbicularis oculi, which are the ring muscles around the eyes.
By strengthening these eye muscles, we naturally make our eyes look bigger and brighter.
To do it, first place your hands on your forehead and focus on relaxing the muscles here as much as you can.
Keeping your hands where they are, focus your eyes on a point just in front of you and widen them as much as you can. Use your hands to keep your forehead still and relaxed.
Hold for a count of ten, then release, closing your eyes and shaking out your hands if you need to.
Come back to the same position. This time, as you widen your eyes, repeatedly look up to the ceiling and down to the floor. Just move your eyes, using your hands to keep your forehead and eyebrows still.
Continue for around 30 seconds. Then, come back to focusing in front of you and hold while you take a few deep breaths. Release, repeat the tapping we did at the start, and you are done!
Next steps
All in all, including the warmup, this whole routine should take just 3 minutes, which is a perfect amount of time to start building a daily face yoga habit.
If you’ve enjoyed this quick, focused face yoga technique, then my new 21-day course will be ideal for you. It’s a video-based, self-study course with 21 unique 3-minute face yoga sequences. Each day focuses on a different area of your face, so it is a great way to learn a range of techniques.