face yoga facial massage skincare Sep 24, 2024
The Quickest Massage for Reducing Number 11 Lines Today

One of my favourite face yoga poses is to treat number 11 lines. You know them, those two lines that form between your eyebrows when you concentrate or squint. The “11s” as they’re often called tend to form in our 30s and 40s and become more pronounced with age. While dermal fillers or botox injections are common methods for treating number 11 lines (and it's a personal choice whether you go down that route!), I have a much easier, all-natural way for reducing their appearance that I’m so excited to share with you today.

The medical name for 11 lines is glabellar lines, and they actually form due to the contraction of several muscles in your forehead:

  • The corrugator supercilii above your eyebrow
  • The procerus triangular muscle between the eyes
  • The depressor supercilii close to the inner eyebrow
  • The frontalis muscle on the forehead 

When these muscles contract, they pull the skin toward the centre of your brows, ultimately causing the skin to furrow and form glabellar lines. While there’s certainly nothing wrong if you do have 11 lines, it’s also fine if you would like to positively find ways to reduce their appearance. 

In my opinion, face yoga is the best way to naturally reduce number 11 lines without requiring a single injection!

The Easiest Face Yoga Massage to Reduce Number 11 Lines

Apply a drop or two of Fusion by Danielle Collins Pro Lift Facial Moisturising Serum between your eyebrows. This will add a nice glide to your skin and offer a nice infusion of nutrients to enhance your skin's texture and quality. 

Hold your thumb toward you upside down. Start to gently flick against the centre of your brows where the glabellar lines form. The gentle tapping motion as the base of your thumb touches the skin sends signals to the procerus muscle to relax, which ultimately reduces the appearance of glabellar lines.

This massage also quickly boosts circulation, so you may notice some pinkness on the skin’s surface as the fresh blood delivers revitalising nutrients to your skin.

Another reason why I love this massage is its soothing effect on the mind thanks to the activation of an acupressure point. 

This simple massage technique releases tension in the muscle which means you’re less likely to develop number 11 lines between your eyebrows. 

Tips for Success

  • Apply a serum first to give your skin a smooth, supple texture and make the massage process easier.
  • Use quick, gentle “flicks” of your thumb to pull the muscle upwards. 
  • Switch hands if your arm grows tired in the middle of the massage. 
  • Combine with other upper face yoga massage exercises to give your skin a natural, beautiful glow.

How Often Should I Perform This Exercise? 

Once per day for one minute at a time is enough to reduce glabellar lines. You can easily incorporate this face yoga for number 11 lines into your morning or evening skincare routine. Take a moment to pamper yourself and treat your skin to some TLC. 

The beauty of face yoga is that it is fast, convenient, and accessible. You don’t have to spend ages doing movements, avoiding making certain expressions, or paying thousands of pounds on aesthetic treatments to make your skin look and feel beautiful.

I’ve always seen face yoga as an investment in my health, well-being, and happiness. Just like physical exercise, small efforts lead to big results over time, and consistency is the secret to success.

Take Your Face Yoga a Step Further

In my new course, 10 Minute Face Yoga for Sexy, Sculpted, Smooth Skin Over 40, which is for you if you are approaching or over 40, the focus is on more vibrant smooth skin in the moment and preventing more wrinkles and fine lines from forming as you get older.

Over eight classes, I walk you through various face yoga techniques that help refresh, stretch, and relax every part of your face to target various concerns, such as number 11 lines, crow’s feet, and bunny lines.

If you are ready to make face yoga a daily habit and learn how to naturally enhance your complexion, then I think you’ll love this course. All of the videos are pre-recorded, so you can watch them on-demand whenever it works best for you.

Click here to learn more