Jan 28, 2022

In this post, I’m going to take you through a quick and easy Face Yoga sequence that focuses on defining and sculpting your cheekbones. You might even see the effects of some of these techniques instantly, so it is a great set of moves to use just before you go out.
Of course, we can’t change our underlying bone structure, even with Face Yoga. But what we can do is sculpt and tone the muscles, release tension, and brighten the skin. This makes everything look more lifted and defined.
Plus, like any Face Yoga routine, this short sequence gives you a moment to focus on self-care. It helps you to feel better on the inside, which is ultimately what Face Yoga is all about.
If you’d like a visual guide on how to do these moves, you can find a how-to video on my YouTube channel.
Hit subscribe while you’re there too – I share plenty of free Face Yoga routines, facial massage techniques, and other wellness hacks every week.

Make sure you have clean hands and a clean face before you start this Face Yoga sequence. It’s a quick routine and should only take five minutes, so it hopefully fits well into your existing skincare regime. If you are getting ready to go out, this is a great set of moves to do before you put your makeup on.
However, like any Face Yoga move, these techniques work best when you do them regularly.
Apply a few drops of the Fusion by Danielle Collins Facial Serum. This serum is specially formulated for use with Face Yoga and helps your fingers glide easily over your face. It is also packed with high-performing organic seed oils to nourish and moisturise your skin.
You can use the serum instead of your usual moisturiser or layer moisturiser over the top – no need to wash it off as it absorbs easily into the skin.
When you’re ready, take a few deep, calming breaths through your nose. Feel your abdomen rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale.
As we work through this short Face Yoga sequence, try to keep that focus on the breath. Count to four as you inhale and then exhale for a count of six.
Finally, work to your own level with all these techniques. I encourage you to feel into your intuition and let it guide you – perhaps you feel that you want to spend a little longer with some of the moves or want to adjust the pressure to suit your own skin.

Take your index and middle fingers under your cheekbones, starting close to your nose. Flick your fingers up and out as you work along beneath your cheekbones.
When you get to your ears, replace your fingers near your nose and repeat the move.
This releases tension and tightness in the cheek area. It also boosts blood circulation, giving you nourished and glowing skin.
The effects of this technique are almost instantaneous, making your cheekbones look more sculpted and defined straight away.

Form your index fingers into a hook shape. Using the middle knuckle, stroke beneath your cheekbones, working out from your nose.
Repeat the move for 30 seconds to a minute, lifting off when you reach your ears and starting again from your nose.
This beautifully calming move brings a warm tingle to the cheek area, which is a great indicator of increased blood circulation. All that fresh blood brings oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, helping your skin look bright and glowing.
If you look in the mirror after working through this routine, you should spot an immediate difference in how your cheekbones look.
Don’t forget to continue with your long, intentional breaths as you do this move. Remember to make your exhale longer than your inhale (in for a count of four, out for a count of six).

Using two fingers and your thumb, pinch and release along your cheekbones.
The aim here is to pinch down into your muscles, not pull and drag the skin itself. Try to get your thumb right under your cheekbones to really lift and define them.
As you do this move, concentrate on relaxing the rest of your face and releasing any tightness. The jaw and forehead are two areas where many of us hold a lot of tension, especially when we’re stressed or overwhelmed.
As you pinch, consciously work on relaxing these areas, releasing tension with every exhale.

This facial exercise works to strengthen and tone the muscles in your cheeks, which in turn lifts and tightens the attached skin, giving you more defined cheekbones.
Like any form of exercise, this technique works best if you do it regularly. Every day, if possible.
Tuck your lips around your teeth and lift the corner of your mouth up.
It is best to do this in front of a mirror. If you see any lines appearing around your mouth when you take this pose, use your index fingers to smooth out the skin.
Hold the pose for a count of 20. Release and then take it again.
5. TAP

Using all your fingertips, tap rapidly over the whole cheek area for happy, tingly cheeks.
This simple technique is one of my favourites for boosting blood circulation, encouraging lymphatic drainage, and getting energy flowing. Plus, it feels wonderful and leaves you with skin that feels bright and awake.
As you tap, remember to focus on your breathing. Feel the tension leaving your face, especially your forehead and jaw. Concentrate on softening and releasing any tightness.

Finish off this short Face Yoga routine by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. And you are all done!
This is a quick and simple sequence, but it can make a noticeable difference to your cheekbones. Go look in the mirror and see if you can see an improvement already.
If you’ve enjoyed this focused class, I have plenty of other resources available to help you learn more Face Yoga techniques. Not only does regular Face Yoga give you a naturally lifted and toned face and glowing skin, but it is also a brilliant form of self-care.
I talk a lot about the importance of taking time for yourself. Modern life is pressured and busy, especially for women. We’re often so busy taking care of others that we neglect our own needs. Putting aside a few minutes a day to concentrate on yourself and nourish your skin with your loving touch can do wonders for your mental wellbeing.
For those who are new to Face Yoga, my 10-day course is a great place to start. It supports you in making Face Yoga a regular practice, with short classes each day to help you learn the techniques.
I’ve also recently added some longer online workshops which are lovely pampering sessions and packed with information about face yoga, the chakras, breathwork, and affirmations. You can access recordings of past workshops in your own time or join me in March for the next live class.
Finally, you might like to join my teacher training course and become certified to teach Face Yoga to individuals or groups. Learn how to share these amazing skills with others and build your own wellness-focused business at the same time.