Dec 31, 2024
Ever year I choose a word at the start of the year as my intention for that year. This is a way of giving the next 12 months a solid focus and helps me set goals for the upcoming year.
I often I embrace this word throughout the year and revisit it a few times to almost ‘check in’ with myself that I am living in line with my intention.

I prefer a ‘word’ rather than a new year resolution. I feel a word is an essence and feeling which can resonate in all areas of my life.
Although I definitely embody this word throughout the year, every year has its inevitable twists and turns and brings up many unexpected situations. So I like to end the year with a different word to summarise how the last 12 months have been.

For example in 2023 my intention word was ‘joy’ and while I definitely embodied that, I ended the year using the word ‘cycles’. That year I had really stepped into the beauty of everything in life being in a cycle. I really became aware of the cyclical nature of relationships, hormones, health, work, the moon, the sun and the seasons.
At the start of 2024, my intention word was ‘evolution’. I wanted this year to be a year of change and shifting. I really felt a desire to do things differently and grow and develop lots of areas of my life.

Once again this intention has definitely been honoured and as I look back I can see how much evolution there was in so many parts of me and my life.
As I write this, at the end of 2024, I am reflecting on my summary word. I definitely feel the word is ‘truth’.

I have never had a year where I have become more of my true self at soul level. I have stepped into my true essence and been really true to my beliefs, my heart and my needs.
I have never felt so much truth rise to the surface about every area of my life and felt the need to face it head on. Sometimes this hasn’t felt comfortable but it’s always felt worthwhile.

So now is time to think about my 2025 word and intention. I don’t yet know what it is (watch this space though as I soon will!) but all I know is every year brings its own lessons and blessings and I can’t wait to find out what 2015 will bring.
Here’s to a happy, healthy new year to you!