Apr 24, 2023
Recently, I’ve felt especially called to share a few tips to help you grow your business in a way that feels fully aligned with your true self. These tips arrived in my head almost as an intuitive download (while I was in the shower!), so I’ve spoken about them briefly on my YouTube channel and in more depth in a solo episode of the Face Yoga Expert Podcast.

But I know that different people like to access information in different ways, so I thought it would make sense to share these tips here on the blog too.
So, here are my five tips for making more money in a way that feels aligned and conscious.
For years in business, I compared myself with others. I worried about what other people were doing in the same space and thought that they were smarter, more productive, and more successful than me. It left me feeling inadequate.
Feeling this way also drew me away from following my soul purpose. I’d follow opportunities that weren’t truly aligned with me because I thought I had to do what others were doing to find success and stay ahead.

It took me a long time to let go of this and realise that we don’t need to worry about the competition. Once I did, I started to just say yes to the opportunities that light me up and help me take my business in the direction I want to go.
So, if you have been comparing yourself with others – anywhere in life but especially in your business – then this is your sign to let go of that.
Your first step is to become aware of the behaviour. Become an observer, looking at your actions without any sense of judgement. When you start to notice yourself slipping into comparison and competition, it becomes almost comical to realise what is going on.
Give yourself some grace, it isn’t your fault that you are pulled towards competition. It is how we’re conditioned to behave in business. But once you become aware of the behaviour, you can start to work on uncovering the underlying causes of it and begin to release it. Tools like breathwork, meditation, Emotional Freedom Tapping, etc. can be really helpful.

Once you’ve done that, you can take the next step which is getting clear on what you want and taking aligned action to achieve it. Listen to your intuition and let it guide you.
When you do, you’ll feel happier, healthier, and more aligned. And you won’t care what others are doing because you’ll know the path that you’re on is right for you.
I really can’t stress the importance of this enough – your business is not the same as your social media. Yes, social media can be a really wonderful tool to build a community, raise awareness of your work, and increase sales.
However, your business is much more than your social media. Before you worry about your follower count or what the algorithm is up to, you need to make sure your business is healthy and growing.
Are you making money? Are you making a profit? Are your systems and processes working for you? Do you feel healthy, happy, and fulfilled by your work?
Look at these things first before you turn your attention to your social media. Even if social media is driving most of your sales, you still need to make sure the backend is working too.

This tip is all about making your mission bigger than you. Of course, you want to build a business that connects with your soul purpose and that allows you to find joy and showcase your unique gifts. But it shouldn’t be about you alone.
When we think only of ourselves, we do things from the ego, not the soul. And decisions driven by the ego are often rooted in fear, greed, or negativity. In contrast, when we do things from the soul, we come from a place of unconditional love, awareness, and presence.
So, thinking about how your work can serve others helps you connect to that deeper why. When you come back to that why and make it about other people, you instantly release feelings of imposter syndrome and self-doubt because you see the bigger picture.

We all know the sayings – “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” “Apply your own oxygen mask first”.
They may seem clichéd, but these sayings are still true. If we want to be able to show up in our businesses and have the energy to consistently serve others, we need to take care of our own bodies and minds first.
Long-term readers will have heard me talk before about my three wellness non-negotiables – three things I do every day, without fail, to look after myself. Really, this is the bare minimum and, ideally, I should do more.
For me, those non-negotiables are yoga, face yoga, and a walk in nature. They will probably look different for you.
Once you have those things in place, check in with yourself. Is this enough? What do you need more of in your day? Is it more time alone? More surrendering? More saying no to the things that don’t light you up?

My final tip is to do at least one thing every day that moves the needle in your business, so you are always progressing closer to your goals.
We tend to be very reactive in our businesses. We’re responding to emails, DMs, client enquiries, and doing the daily tasks that are thrown up by meeting these needs. We typically end up being about 80% reactive and 20% proactive – or perhaps the slant is even more towards being reactive.
Ideally, we want to switch that ratio so that the majority of our day is focused on taking proactive action to move our businesses further towards our goals. But if that’s not possible yet, start by setting aside half an hour every day to think about your bigger picture and decide what actions you need to take to achieve it.
I find it helpful to have some defined values that I come back to – for me, these are freedom, wellness, abundance (in finances but also in joy and connection), and being of service to others. Then, I can check what I’m doing each day against these values to see whether I’m aligning with those values.

This has just been a quick summary of some of the tips that I’ve found useful in building a successful business that feels fully aligned with my soul purpose.
I am hosting a FREE workshop next week on Tuesday 2nd May via zoom on 4 ways you can make more money in your business with soulful, aligned, loving energy. Click here to secure your place
Also, If you want to dive deeper and learn more about how you can grow your business and achieve a life that feels abundant, effortless, and joyful, you can now access my Soul Purpose Business Courses as one comprehensive bundle.
Throughout the videos contained in this bundle, I share everything I’ve learnt in over 17 years of building my hugely successful Face Yoga Expert brand. I give you actionable tips to help you market your offerings, find your soulmate clients, and make sales without using icky sales tactics.
And I show you how to do all of this in a way that aligns with your deep soul purpose.
You can find out more about the course bundle here.