face yoga lifestyle wellness Aug 07, 2024
How to use your human design energy type for better face yoga results

Human Design is something I’m so passionate about, as I believe it’s such an insightful system that helps you understand the unique blueprint of your soul. It gives you insight into why you came here and who you came here to be. It’s all about living in alignment with your true self. 

If you’ve been tuning into my podcast, you may know that I’ve recently completed my Level 1 Human Design certification. Yes, I am now a Certified Human Design Reader, and I’m thrilled to share how this incredible system can enhance your face yoga practice.

Jenna Zoe, a leading figure in Human Design, has been an inspiration to me as well as a guest on The Face Yoga Expert Podcast. In this blog post, we’re merging her expertise with my own to show you how to use your Human Design energy type for optimal face yoga results.

Best Face Yoga Practices for the 5 Human Design Energy Types

If you don’t already know it, you’ll need to determine your Human Design energy type. Head over to Jenna’s website,, and enter your details to find out which energy type you are. You’ll need your:

  • Birthplace
  • Time of birth
  • Birth date

This will generate your Human Design chart. There are five main energy types in Human Design, and understanding yours can significantly impact your face yoga practice. Let’s dive into each one.

1. Generators 

Generators are the life force energy, the builders who uplift everyone around them. This happens to be my personal energy type. Generators have powerful sacral responses, meaning we're driven by what excites us. In other words, we are ruled by our gut and need to focus on saying ‘yes’ to activities that feed us. At the same time, it’s crucial to say ‘no’ to things we feel we “have” to do, creating space for more activities we love. The end result is less important — it’s all about the action.

Best Face Yoga Practices for Generators

Choose the face yoga practice that excites you most. If you love acupressure, do that. If facial exercises bring you joy, focus on those. Listen to your gut to determine which face yoga practice is right for you. My best advice for Generators is to say ‘no’ to one thing each day that doesn’t light you up, and use that time for face yoga. Enhance your practice by playing your favourite music if it excites you, or incorporate face yoga into your skincare routine to make it more enjoyable and consistent. Follow your passions and let your gut guide you for an exciting and fulfilling routine. It’s all about staying in tune with your sacral chakra while practising. 

2. Manifesting Generators

As a hybrid of Manifestors and Generators, you are multi-passionate and quick-moving. You combine the Generator's steady energy with the Manifestor's spontaneity and playfulness, allowing you to move in many directions dynamically. You are meant to pursue varied interests and may switch careers multiple times or create a unique career path. You quickly master new skills but may struggle to see things through to the end. Embrace your non-linear path and resist the pressure to focus on only one passion — your soul has many purposes.

Best Face Yoga Practices for Manifesting Generators

Do what lights you up, whether it's a 2-minute or 10-minute daily face yoga practice. Listen to your gut and change your routine often to keep it exciting. Follow your passion and combine face yoga with other activities, like balance poses, neck toning exercises, or even watching your favourite TV show at the time. Start and stop when it feels right for you and remember, taking a break doesn't mean you're off track.

3. Projectors 

Projectors are the guides and visionaries, here to lead others and enhance systems for greater efficiency. With your unique perspective, you can illuminate a better path for others, regardless of your career title. Lean into the subjects you see clearly or find fascinating, as these are the areas you are meant to pursue. Your greatest challenge is to unchain yourself from the obsession with productivity. By freeing yourself from this mindset and resting more often, you can better help others become more efficient. Focus on your strengths as a guide and visionary to truly make an impact.

Best Face Yoga Practices for Projectors

As a Projector, allow yourself to tweak and improve any system you encounter. If you see a better way of performing certain techniques, adjust your practice accordingly. Your role isn't to convince others to do face yoga, but if they ask, you can inspire and guide them. During your own practices, stick to doing face yoga in your downtime when you can recharge your energy. Don’t pressure yourself; let your intuition guide the way.

4. Reflectors 

Reflectors make up less than 1 percent of the population and serve as the mirrors of society. You are deeply receptive, picking up on everything around you, and are profoundly connected to the lunar cycle. This connection means you need ample time to make decisions. You amplify the energies around you and feel them intensely, which can be both a gift and a challenge. Your energy levels and emotions may fluctuate, being high and positive one moment and low and emotional the next. Embrace this unique ability to reflect and adapt to your surroundings.

Best Face Yoga Practices for Reflectors

As a Reflector, you are highly sensitive to all energies around you. It's essential to learn face yoga from a teacher whose energy aligns with yours, and avoid those whose energy feels off or doesn’t resonate with you. You may wish to adapt your face yoga practice to your energy levels, the moon cycle, or even the weather. Some days, you may prefer a more calming routine, while on others, a high-energy session might suit you better. Stay flexible and adaptable, avoiding rigid routines. Practise in a relaxing room if you seek calm, or choose an uplifting environment for a more dynamic session.

5. Manifestors

Manifestors are wild, strong, and unintentional leaders. Born with a clear sense of who you are and what you want, you thrive when you follow your own desires. People will love and respect you the most when you pursue what truly excites you. Give yourself permission to follow your heart. Remember, you are the cause, and everyone else is the effect. When you stop doing what you think you must and embrace your true self, you'll experience the most acceptance and success.

Best Face Yoga Practices for Manifestors

As a Manifestor, you have a strong sense of who you are. Be your own teacher and guide, as you know best what you need. Each day, ask yourself what your body requires for face yoga and follow those spontaneous urges. Maintain your regular routine, whether it's 30 minutes or a different duration of your choice, but don't hesitate to reduce the length of time when needed. Listen to yourself and adapt whenever necessary, as this is how you’ll thrive.

Bringing It All Together

Understanding your Human Design energy type allows you to tailor your face yoga practice to suit your unique energetic blueprint. No matter what your Human Design is, aligning with your energy type will enhance your results both in face yoga and in life.

Hopefully, this post has inspired you to build your own daily practice. If it has, my Face Yoga Over 40 Course is an excellent place to start, which includes even more tips on Human Design as one of the eight classes in the course is dedicated to Face Yoga . 

Stay tuned for more tips, and as always, keep glowing!