wellness Oct 09, 2024
Do these 4 hair massages for long luscious locks

Maintaining healthy hair doesn’t have to involve complicated routines or expensive products. In fact, something as simple and soothing as a regular head massage can work wonders for your hair’s health.

Today, I’m going to walk you through some of the best tips and techniques for achieving healthy, beautiful hair by just using your hands. 

Let’s dive in and explore how you can nurture your locks naturally and feel more relaxed in the process!

Why Pillow Matters

Before we dive into the massage techniques, let me share a tip that has made a world of difference to my hair: a good pillow. I swear by the Sleep & Glow Omnia pillow (use code FACEYOGA10 for 10% off), and trust me, it’s not just for your skin! 

I realised this after going on holiday recently without it, only to find my hair looking frizzier than usual. The Omnia pillow's unique cradle design prevents hair from creasing, and paired with a silk pillowcase, it ensures your hair remains smooth overnight. If you’re not using one yet, it’s time to consider investing in a pillow that doesn’t just care for your skin but your hair too. 

Prevention is always better than cure!

The Benefits of Scalp Massage

A scalp massage can significantly improve your hair’s health. 

Why? Well, it increases blood flow to your scalp, stimulating hair follicles, promoting growth, and contributing to overall hair health. 

Additionally, scalp massages are great for your mental wellbeing. When you massage your scalp, you stimulate acupressure points that not only reduce stress but also give your face a natural lift as you work your fingers through your hair.

Here’s a simple technique to get started. Using your fingertips, begin gently massaging your scalp as though you’re washing your hair. Make slow, circular motions, working through your scalp intuitively. You’ll feel the tension start to melt away, and if you focus on your breathing – inhaling and exhaling deeply – you’ll add an extra layer of calm to the experience. 

Not only is this relaxing, but it will leave your scalp in optimal condition to promote healthier hair growth.

Targeting Tension at the Base of the Skull

Next, let’s focus on the back of your head, particularly around the occipital bone – the area at the base of your skull. This is a place where tension loves to build up, especially after long days spent at work or staring at screens. But did you know that releasing this tension can actually benefit your hair? When the muscles around your neck and the base of your head are relaxed, it encourages a healthier flow of blood to the scalp, nourishing your hair follicles.

Here’s how to do it: Take your thumbs and press them into the area around the occipital bone, using small circular movements. Gradually work your way outwards, releasing the tension as you go. Not only does this feel incredible, but it also helps promote healthy hair from the root up.

A Gentle Skull Pummelling Technique

Let’s move on to a more stimulating massage technique – gently pummelling your scalp. I know it might sound strange at first, but this light tapping or drumming motion is fantastic for encouraging healthy hair growth. Pummelling helps release tension and promote circulation, two things your hair needs to grow strong and healthy.

Here’s how you do it: Use your hands to gently drum your skull in a downward motion, starting at the top and working your way towards the nape of your neck. This technique not only stimulates blood flow but also feels deeply relaxing, especially if you’ve had a long day.

Stimulating the Hairline

Now let’s focus on the hairline. It’s easy to overlook this area, but massaging along your hairline is another great way to boost hair health. You’ll stimulate even more acupressure points, which can help reduce stress, prevent headaches, and keep your hair follicles healthy.

Simply take two fingers and make small circular motions along the hairline, starting at the forehead and moving down towards your temples. This technique can be particularly effective when you feel a headache coming on or if you just need a moment to relax. Not only will you feel better, but you’ll also be giving your hair the care it deserves.

Bringing It All Together

Regular scalp massages are an easy, natural way to promote hair health while also helping you relax and de-stress. Whether you’re using the gentle washing motion, releasing tension at the base of the skull, or stimulating the hairline, these techniques are all simple yet powerful ways to nurture your locks. Pair these massages with a silk pillowcase to reduce friction and prevent frizz, and you’ll be on your way to having smoother, healthier hair every day.

Remember, these techniques aren’t just good for your hair – they offer a myriad of other benefits too. Regular scalp massages can improve circulation, lift your mood, and even provide a gentle lift to your facial muscles. Plus, they’re a fantastic way to take a moment for yourself, relax, and clear your mind.

The Power of Consistency

As with most things in life, consistency is key. Make time for these scalp massages at least a few times a week, if not daily, and you’ll soon start to notice the difference in your hair’s health and appearance. Just like working out, the more often you do it, the better the results will be. Over time, you’ll find your hair looking and feeling healthier, thicker, and smoother.

So, why not start today? Give yourself a few minutes to relax and try out one of these massage techniques. Your hair (and your mind!) will thank you for it.

Incorporating scalp massages into your haircare routine is one of the simplest, most relaxing ways to nurture your hair. It’s all about taking small, regular steps that can make a big difference. And don’t forget to invest in quality sleep accessories like the Sleep & Glow Omnia pillow (use code FACEYOGA10 for 10% off) and silk pillowcases, which can help reduce friction and keep your hair smooth while you sleep.

If you love a natural approach to hair care, this is definitely something worth trying. Happy massaging, and here’s to long, healthy hair!