Feb 27, 2023
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, it is probably apparent that I approach business a bit differently.
I’m all about achieving business success but without compromising on wellness and self-care. I follow my intuition and I prioritise working in a way that is fully aligned with my deep soul purpose.

As a result, I’ve built my Face Yoga Expert brand into a hugely successful business that lets me help millions of people around the world. I’ve also been able to use my experience from over 17 years in the wellness sector to create the Soul Purpose Business course bundle.
If, like me, you’re a woman who loves wellness, loves helping people, and understands the importance of self-care – but still wants to make things happen and build a thriving business – then this post is for you!
I’m going to run through three quick business tips that are perfect for soulful empaths. These are things I do myself to make sure I’m building a business that truly speaks to my deeper purpose.

We often work solidly for months and months just so we can take a two-week holiday. But this is an old paradigm way of thinking. We’re in a new paradigm now and it is time to do away with that old myth that we need to hustle and grind to find success.
Instead, we should be looking to embody the life we want straight away. And one of the ways I do this is by making sure every day includes at least one thing that makes me feel like I’m on holiday.
This could be something simple and quick like walking in nature, having a piece of fresh watermelon, or taking a bubble bath.
Or it could be something bigger like taking some time out for a massage or to go out for lunch with a friend.

Either way, it should be something that fills you with joy and allows you to feel like you’re already living the life you’re trying to create.
After all, it isn’t all about the destination. We also need to enjoy the journey. If we put off these things until we’ve reached a certain goal or income level, we’re depriving ourselves of so many small moments of joy.
Plus, as women in wellness, we give a lot to helping other people. Taking time for our own self-care is so important – it is what fills our cups and means we can continue to do the work we do.

As a soulful empath, you’re likely already very in tune with your intuition. However, we can sometimes get caught in the trap of thinking that we can’t be guided by intuition when it comes to making business decisions.
I’ve found that my business thrives when I allow that deep inner knowing to guide me.
Often, we hear our intuition speaking through the initial reaction that comes to us in the first few seconds when we consider our path forward. When we get too far into our thinking minds, we’re more likely to doubt ourselves, overthink the decision, and allow other people’s views and opinions to influence us.

Try instead to be guided by your intuition.
A good test for this is to think, “does this decision feel yummy or does it feel yucky?”
If it feels holistically and full-body yummy, good, exciting, and joyful, then it is for you. Even if it also feels a bit daunting. Sometimes the best decisions are the ones that challenge you. But it should be the good sort of fear – the excited, anticipatory, “this could bring such great things” sort of fear.
But if it fills you with ickiness or dread, then it’s a no. Even if on paper it seems like the most logical choice, that instinctive reaction is telling you that it isn’t for you.

As you can probably tell from this, I’m a huge believer in tools like goal setting, visualisation, and manifestation to help me connect with my intuition and guide my business decisions.
But I think we can sometimes get so caught up in the planning and manifesting stage that we forget the importance of turning this into aligned action to achieve those goals and visions. So, I always challenge people to do one thing each day that moves the needle on their business goals.
Perhaps you’ve always dreamed of writing a book or launching a course. Whatever it is, take step one today. Draft out that book, write the first paragraph of that course.
Taking action is how you get to the destination that you want. And remember, done is better than perfect. Don’t let wanting to make everything the absolute best it can be stop you from getting stuff out into the world.

I hope that this post has helped you and perhaps inspired you to think what that first step might be towards achieving your business goals.
If investing in your own knowledge and development is your next step, I’d love to invite you to take a look at my Soul Purpose Business course bundle.
This really is the ultimate course bundle for wellness entrepreneurs who want to learn soulful sales strategies for freedom, health and wealth. It brings together everything I’ve learnt through over 17 years of building an international wellness brand and shows you how to live a life of success and abundance whilst still helping people and making a big difference in this world.