wellness Sep 03, 2024
A guide to my 11 favourite crystals and how you can use them in your daily life too
Crystals have been an important addition to my wellness practices over the last 20 years. I have gone through periods of time where I have worked with them a lot and other times where they have just been placed in a few locations around my home and I haven't thought about them much but have had that inner awareness that they are there should I need them.
The way that I have always chosen crystals is by going to a crystal shop and simply seeing what I am most drawn too. I believe that this is the best and most powerful way of selecting a crystal either to buy or to be with you on that day (if choosing from a selection at home). Your intuition is truly your greatest guide when it comes to crystals.
Crystals are renowned for their healing properties, protective energies, and spiritual significance and it's really up to you how deeply you want to go into each of these areas. It's also completely ok just to like the look of a crystal and simply bring it into your life for the aesthetic beauty alone. 
Whether you're new to crystals or a seasoned practitioner, taking some time to learn more about the properties of them and how to incorporate these powerful stones into your daily life can deepen your connection to their energy. Here’s a guide to some of my favourite crystals which I have in my home every day, including their benefits, how to use them, and tips for cleansing them. 

1. Celestite

Celestite is known for its calming and serene energy, often associated with angelic communication and divine guidance. This pale blue crystal encourages inner peace, balance, and spiritual awakening. 
Daily Use:
Keep celestite in your bedroom or meditation space to promote relaxation and deep sleep. Use it during meditation to open up your higher chakras, particularly the throat and third eye, enhancing intuition and communication with higher realms. 
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse celestite using moonlight, as water may damage its delicate structure. You can also smudge it with sage or use sound cleansing, such as with a singing bowl. 

2. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz, often called the "stone of love," is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and emotional healing. Its gentle energy promotes self-love and harmonious relationships as well as helps to balance your heart chakra. 
Daily Use:
Wear rose quartz as a pendant or keep it in your pocket to invite love and harmony into your life. Place it under your pillow for better sleep and emotional healing. Use it during self-care rituals, like affirmations or journaling, to enhance feelings of self-love. 
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse rose quartz by bathing it in moonlight or placing it in a bowl of salt. Smudging or placing it on selenite is also an effective way to cleanse its energy. 

3. Amethyst

Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone, known for its ability to calm the mind, enhance intuition, and protect against negative energies. This purple crystal is often used for emotional and spiritual balance. 
Daily Use:
Keep amethyst on your desk to stay focused, or meditate with it to open your third eye and crown chakras. Its protective energy also makes it a great stone to keep by your bedside for warding off nightmares and helping restful sleep. 
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse amethyst with moonlight or smudging. You can also use sound cleansing or place it on selenite to reset its energy. 

4. Onyx

Onyx is a powerful protective stone, absorbing negative energy and helping to stabilise emotions. This black stone is grounding and can help build strength and resilience. 
Daily Use:
Carry onyx with you to shield yourself from negative influences or stressful environments. Use it during meditation to ground yourself or in moments of emotional turbulence to regain clarity and focus. 
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse onyx using sage or by placing it on selenite. Onyx can also be cleansed using sound, such as from a tuning fork or singing bowl. 

5. Turquoise

Turquoise is a powerful healing stone that enhances communication and strengthens the body, mind, and spirit. It promotes self-expression, creativity, and overall balance. 
Daily Use:
Wear turquoise jewellery or carry a small stone with you to enhance your communication skills and invite protective and healing energies into your life. Place turquoise in your home to create a peaceful and positive environment. 
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse turquoise by placing it in the moonlight or using sound cleansing. Avoid water, as turquoise can be sensitive to moisture. 

6. Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is considered the "master healer" among crystals, amplifying energy and intentions while promoting clarity of thought and spiritual growth. 
Daily Use:
Use clear quartz during meditation to set your intentions and encourage spiritual awareness. Place it near other crystals to magnify their energies, or keep it on your desk for clarity and focus while working on important tasks. 
Cleansing Tips:
Clear quartz can be cleansed with water, moonlight, or by placing it in a bed of sea salt. It also works well with selenite for energy purification. 

7. Aqua Gold

Aqua gold, also known as aqua aura quartz, is a quartz crystal that has been bonded with gold. This crystal is known for its high vibrational energy and its ability to enhance communication, self-expression, and spiritual growth. 
Daily Use:
Wear aqua gold jewellery to enhance self-expression and attract positive energy. Use it during meditation to open your throat chakra and enhance communication with your higher self or guides. 
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse aqua gold with moonlight or place it on selenite. Avoid water to protect the bonded surface, and use gentle cleansing methods like smudging. 

8. Citrine

Citrine is known as the "merchant’s stone" and is associated with abundance, success, and manifestation. This yellow stone brings positive energy, creativity, and joy. 
Daily Use:
Keep citrine in your wallet, purse, or cash register to attract abundance and financial success. Place it in your workspace to encourage creativity and productivity. Meditate with citrine to boost confidence and manifest your desires. 
Cleansing Tips:
Citrine doesn’t hold onto negative energy and rarely needs cleansing, but you can cleanse it with sunlight or place it on selenite as needed. 

9. Sunstone

Sunstone is a stone of joy and vitality, carrying the energy of the sun. It brings optimism, enthusiasm, and a sense of empowerment. 
Daily Use:
Wear sunstone jewellery to uplift your mood and enhance self-confidence. Place it in your living room to brighten the energy of your space and promote positivity. Use it in morning meditation to set a positive tone for your day. 
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse sunstone using sunlight or place it on selenite. Avoid water, as some varieties of sunstone may be sensitive to moisture. 

10. Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is one of the most powerful protective stones, absorbing negative energy and shielding against electromagnetic fields (EMFs). It also helps to ground and balance. 
Daily Use:
Place black tourmaline near your electronic devices to protect against EMF radiation. Carry it with you to shield yourself from negative energy and keep yourself grounded. Use it during meditation to cleanse your aura and stabilize your energy.
Cleansing Tips:
Cleanse black tourmaline with water or salt, or place it on selenite. Smudging or sound cleansing are also effective ways to maintain its protective qualities. 

11. Selenite

Selenite is known as the ultimate cleansing crystal, with the ability to clear and recharge other stones. It also brings peace and clarity and is used for spiritual growth and protection.
Daily Use:
Place selenite wands or plates near your other crystals to cleanse and recharge them regularly. Keep selenite in your meditation space to enhance spiritual connection and clear mental fog. You can also use selenite to cleanse your aura by running it over your body like a “crystal comb.” 
Cleansing Tips:
Selenite is self-cleansing and does not need to be cleansed itself. Avoid water as selenite can dissolve when exposed to moisture. 
I hope you have found this a useful guide and it has inspired you to bring some of these crystals into your life or if you already have them, to learn more about why they can be so helpful.
My book, The Face Yoga Journal, has 52 key Face Yoga techniques (one for each week of the year), wellness hacks and tips on using crystals with your Face Yoga practice. You can grab your copy here.