face yoga lifestyle wellness Jan 03, 2024
The 3 ways our bones change as we age and how face yoga can help
As we age, the structural changes in the bones of our face become more evident, which can affect our overall facial appearance. Understanding these changes can really help in our Face Yoga practice so we get the absolute best results for our face. 
The ageing process affects the bones in our face through various mechanisms, including bone resorption, decreased collagen production, and changes in fat distribution. One notable factor is the gradual loss of bone density, leading to bone resorption - the process where bone tissue is broken down more quickly than it is replaced. In our facial skeleton, this can result in a reduction in bone volume, particularly in areas like the jaw and cheekbones.
Collagen, a protein that provides strength and structure to the skin and bones, also plays a vital role in facial ageing. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to a loss of elasticity and firmness in the skin. This, coupled with changes in fat distribution, can contribute to sagging and a less-defined facial contour.
If you are regular reader of my blog you will know how Face Yoga helps the skin and muscles to look healthier and youthful. Emerging evidence is now showing that regular practice of Face Yoga may have positive effects on our facial bones too. 
Facial exercises within the Face Yoga routines involve engaging and toning specific muscles in the face and neck. While these exercises primarily target our muscles, they may indirectly influence our bone health by promoting better muscle support. Also, as we do resistance exercises in Face Yoga, these may also promote stronger bones overall. Studies show how resistance training in our body can boost bone strength so it makes sense to apply this same principle to the face.
An example would be the exercises we do to enhance muscle strength and definition of our jaw muscles. These exercises can potentially contribute to better support for our jawbone, which may be prone to changes in shape and density with age. It may also directly strengthen the bones if resistance exercises are involved using the fingers or tongue. Strengthening these muscles can help counteract the effects of gravity on the lower face and provide support for our bones, reducing the appearance of sagging and jowls.
Facial massage, another integral component of The Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method, is mostly used for muscle relaxation and improving our circulation. Anecdotal evidence is now showing that facial massage may stimulate collagen production and promote blood flow to the facial bones, potentially supporting bone health. While direct scientific evidence is still limited on this, there is evidence that improved blood circulation can contribute to a healthier complexion and skin tone so it seems likely that it can also help our bones. 
It's important to note that the scientific community is still exploring the specific impact of Face Yoga on facial bones. While some small studies have suggested potential benefits, larger and more rigorous research is needed to establish conclusive evidence. Additionally, individual responses to Face Yoga may vary, and results may depend on factors such as consistency, technique, and the overall health of an individual.
On a final note, lifestyle is really important for healthy bones. Good nutrition, daily exercise and supplements can all help our bones to be strong and resilient. A key aspect of Face Yoga is healthy balanced living so if you can delve into this in your daily life, you will definitely be helping your bones structure in your face too!